just a quick note to say i see my family down under has extended the amanzi blogging (see amanzi down under). hope to see more of your new country. go for it skoonsus.
the thoughts of a surgeon in the notorious province of mpumalanga, south africa. comments on the private and state sector. but mostly my personal journey through surgery.
Thanks for the mention in your famous blog.... I'm honoured!
I'm trying to keep my blog non-medical... I think your medical stories are far more interesting. We read your blog regularly to see what you've been up to. It's truly inspiring. Keep up the good work in the Mother Country.
I've lurked on your wonderful blog for a while and love it! Thanks for the link to 'the amanzi family'. Your blogs open a window on parts of the world and lives of people I'd never otherwise have been priviliged to enjoy and appreciate.
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