i have been invited by jeffrey from monash medical student to present the next edition of surgexperiences. it is a new carnival focussing slightly more on surgical blogs. it is very new, so i'm making a request that as many of you as possible support it, especially friends (i hope) like buckeye, sid, makeminetrauma, rlbates, someonetc, etc. let's see how it develops over time.
you can send your submissions to here or email me directly at amanzi dot com (that would be bongi at etc)
it will be published on 16 september. please have all submissions in by 14 september.
thanking you in advance.
Bongi, thank you for including me. You are my one and only loyal reader! I have been blog lazy these past two weeks due to lack of encouragement from readers. Perhaps this is what I need to blog on.
Thanks again my friend,
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