when i was a registrar a friend of mine told me he had been offered a job in a surgical practise in pietermaritzburg (hi henry). i said i couldn't imagine surgeons (general) working together. we are all too aggressive and individualistic. we are all too type a. he went there and proved me wrong. now i work in an association with two other surgeons and i prove myself wrong on a daily basis.
when first i saw surgexperiences, once again i had the thought that we surgeons couldn't pull something like this off. team work is not our forte. happily, it seems that i was wrong again. i hope that all readers of surgexperiences will continue to prove me wrong and make this a regular must stop for all surgeons and other interested bloggers.
the contenders:-
respectful insolence writes a neat post about how to royally irritate a surgeon.
why you should read it?
well for a surgeon this may not be news, but it does clear up a few misconceptions that are prevalent in the general population.
rlbates writes a story about a friend who gets shot.
why you should read it?
i had a bit of a chuckle when i read this. i maintain that when a surgeon says you are lucky, you're not really lucky. it would have been luckier not to have been shot in the first place. but a few interesting pictures and some good advice. well posted rl.
chris writes an interesting piece about operating on a newborn.
why should you read it?
well it is an interesting blog about a surgeon going to iraq. but, the post for me touched very nicely on some of the reasons and rewards for doing what we do. in the end, it is a priveledge.
dr campbell very skillfully gives a story of insomnia.
why should you read it?
it is a very well written post to start with. but mostly because it is very funny. it illustrates how patients sometimes cross a line and have no idea.
college and finance puts a spotlight on nursing.
why should you read it?
some of the medblog addicts are still students contemplating careers. if this is you and nursing is in your list of options, take a look.
make mine trauma posted a nice piece on colectomy.
why should you read it?
firstly i think this is a pretty cool blog to start with. but this post specifically nicely captures the magic of actually operating. mmt, i know how you feel. in fact it was similar feelings i had while assisting that pointed me down the career path i finally chose. the title picture comes from her blog. even the picture testifies to her excitement and enthusiasm about surgery. (iassume you took this photo yourself?)
aggravated docsurg writes a humorous post on the relationship between gerds treatment and sexual behaviour disorders.
why should you read it?
are you kidding me?? if you are not inquisitive about that title, then nothing i say will convince you to read it. if i love doing laparoscopic nissens, i wonder what can be deduced about my sexual behaviour disorders.
just up the dose once again entertains with a story about a drama queen.
why should you read it?
little karen writes as well as we all wish we could. her blog is definitely one i always enjoy. this post has our usual african flavour that we no doubt are used to but may be unusual to others. it also touches on our unique style of training, ie. throw the junior in the deep end and leave him to sink or swim.
mitch writes a riveting account of circ arrest cases from the head of the table.
why should you read it?
it gives another perspective, that of the anaesthetist, during these trickey cases. without these great people our jobs would be impossible.
sid never fails to amaze and entertain. here he is again with a story about dentures (or chickens)
why should you read it?
firstly, if you're not reading the master blogger's blog yet, where have you been? secondly, we all enjoy a good well told story of the unusual.
buckeye gives us some nice hernia photos and sparks a small debate.
why should you read it?
i think buckeye is a good regular port of call, especially when he discusses a case.
someonetc is a good place to visit for people interested in orthopedics.
why should you read it?
the guy loves rugby! that is reason enough! someone, i hope you watched the south africa, england game.
thanks to surgexperiences maintained by jeffrey at monash medical student and surgexperiences for allowing me to host this carnival. may it grow from strength to strength. please support his worthwhile endeavour.
next edition of surgexperience:-
Surgexperiences 105
To be hosted at: Suture for a Living, http://rlbatesmd.blogspot.com/
Date: 30 September 2007
2wks away.
thanks for the lil' shout out. i did not see the england v south africa game, but my father-in-law told me that england got a little lesson in how to play rugby.
I saw RSA-Eng, and the springboks were very solid while England were atrocious. Did you see the Wallabies take on Wales? Those yellow cards were very very soft.
wow. what a grand rounds. i'm intrigued. i want to learn more about surgery, and how surgeons think.. looking forward to more surgexperiences!
someonetc, i thought we could have done better, but the defence was good. england didn't play too well.
hildy, i only saw the highlights. was working unfortunately.
anonymous, yes the surgeon is an interesting species, especially the general surgeon in my opinion. feel free to stop by any time.
Good carnival! Thanks for including me.
I was also at work while the rugby was on. Story of our lives...
bongi, Thank you so much for the invite and the kind words. I did take that pic myself, borrowed from Netter's of course.
P.S. Sorry, I'm not a rugby watcher.
Thanks for the introduction to http://justupthedose.blogspot.com/
Just loved the definitions of poes and pus lists, and FIFO : laughed so hard I nearly cried.
Made me homesick as well, but aaah, such is life....
Keep up the excellent blogging, both of you.
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